Lectures, advice, research, texts

Psychology of perception is the research area underlying much of my thinking and research. The outside world is transduced by sensory systems to an inside representation of it. More often than not many sensory systems interact, and may synergistically so form new sensations (think of flavour). In addition top down information affects what we perceive as well. Furthermore there is the intriguing area of illusions, that tell us something about our surrounding world, that may not be there (or is it?).
There's so much to say about perception, find a fraction in:
Dijksterhuis, G.B. (2016). Multisensory Flavour Priming. In: Spence, C., Piqueras-Fiszman, B. (Eds.). Multisensory Flavor Perception: From Fundamental Neuroscience through to the Marketplace. Elsevier Publishers.
Studying humans as a main research subject, while at the same time using humans as a measuring instrument, calls for careful methodological considerations. It is very easy to produce a lot of data, sometimes perhaps too easy. The validity of what the measurements produce must be assessed, or at least be thought through. Read some of my thoughts on this in a recent review paper I wrote with my colleagues:
G.B., de
Wijk, R.A., Onwezen, M. (2022). New Consumer Research Technology for Food Behaviour:
Overview and Validity. Foods, 11, 767.
Food is what we eat, simple, not? But it's more than we put inside our mouth to chomp. Much more. Foods are very special stimuli, challenging much of what we know from perception science and consumer behaviour in other areas. Much findings from these areas may just not generalise to food. Food studies often need special research designs, difficult presentation, tricky questions, etc.
Think about olfaction as an example. This is probably the most intriguing sensory system. Research in this area is just difficult, and many olfactory studies lack methodological rigor. Have a look at:
Smeets, M.A.M., Dijksterhuis, G.B. (2014). Smelly primes - when olfactory primes do or do not work. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science. 5:96.
The above links to the papers may, or may not, work, according to your local settings.
I regularly present a lecture on the topics you find on this site.
A special series of 7 lectures on the sensory perception of food, based on my book "Hoe smaakt het?", is available. I have taught this series at Erasmus Academy, and parts of it at many one-shot lectures.
I'm happy to present this series, of a part of it, on request. If you are interested please contact me. We can then discuss how this topic is best presented to suit your wishes.
Of course we can also agree to set up one or
more bespoke lectures.
Natuurlijk kunnen de lezingen ook in het Nederlands worden gegeven.
I've got ample experience in the mentioned areas. Just contact me if you think I can be of any help. Perhaps even a chat may help you, or we can set up a advice trajectory. You decide.
I've written quite a bit, both scientific and popular texts, and I enjoy the writing process. If you need a text, however short or long, contact me. We can discuss the possibilities of me writing, helping you write, checking your text, ghost-writing for you, or what have you. I've been involved in reviewing, reading and commenting on texts too, suggesting changes, additions, etc. Just drop me a line.
When you plan doing research in one of 'my' areas, let me know. I'm happy to think along, plan the study, set up a design, a method, a statisical analysis, or be involved in any other research related activity. Let me know your ideas.